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Flint Citadel Band - 2017

A Special Message From Our Pastors...
Majors Randy & Kathy HellstromWelcome to the Flint Citadel Band website. This website was created back in August 1999 for the purpose of expanding the impact of ministry of this great corps band. Bandmaster Matthew Rowland and the members of the Flint Citadel Band invite you to experience the ministry of this band as we continue into our second century of service to Jesus Christ.

Drawn from the soldiers of the Flint Citadel and ranging in age from teenagers to folks in their golden years, the members of this band love brass music...but their true love is for the Lord Jesus Christ. The commitment of this band is to provide music to enhance our worship 52 Sundays a year and to share this God-honoring music with as many people as possible. For this reason you cannot buy a copy of our's free! On this site you will find downloads and streaming content so you can share in the blessing. Be sure to "Like" the Band's Facebook page for additional news and even more music to stream or download.

So enjoy the heritage and music of the Flint Citadel Band, but more importantly give praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ who inspires this music.

Majors Randy & Kathy Hellsrom

2023 Spring Concert


In late 1999, our Webmaestro, Steven Himes approached then Bandmaster Richard Holman with a forward-thinking idea to expand Flint Citadel Band's ministry to a global audience. The commercial allure of the World Wide Web was still in its infancy, relatively speaking, and very few Salvation Army bands had an online presence. It was estimated at the time that there were less than ten to fifteen SA brass band websites.

Steve had been designing and coding websites since 1994 and wanted to share his online skills with FCB. In the rear of a local restaurant, B/M Holman assembled the Flint Citadel Band Board to discuss regular band business. It was in this meeting that B/M Holman invited Steve to make a presentation to the Band Board with his concept for the Band and ultimately put it to a vote. The Band Board, including then Corps Officer, Major John Mowers unanimously approved the first build of!

Steve began putting his concept together. It was a lengthy process, since the entire site was written in primitive HTML code, the native language of websites. Bandmaster Holman provided content and together, he and Steve fleshed out the website together.

Once the initial content had been assembled, Steve took things a step further and digitally scanned many of the historical Band photographs that still hang in the FCB band room to this day. By the end of September 1999, was officially in production and live on the Web.

Along with the design of the new website, Steve began a fresh re-design for an official logo for Flint Citadel Band. It had gone through several evolutions, arriving at the logo you see today. It is used everywhere to identify Flint Citadel Band with the rest of the world—now on concert music stand banners and tour jackets.

Logos through the years

Bandmaster Richard T. HolmanToday and Beyond:
Through the past 20 years, the Flint Citadel Band through its online conduit, continues to reach, inspire and bless people from all over the world. Our musical ministry has successfully extended beyond the City of Flint, reaching almost every continent on the planet. Our music has always been made available for live streaming or download—always free of charge. Over the past two decades, we have had more unique visits to our website than we can even count anymore. We know that we have made an impact on others' lives. How do we know? Because we have received inspiring messages from many persons from all over, telling us what a difference we have made in their lives, giving all credit to our Heavenly Father. He continues to bless our musical ministry to this day!

Steven Himes has made a labor of love, caring for on a total voluntary basis. Since the creation of this website, other Salvation Army bands have followed suit. Flint Citadel Band will always continue to be a forward-thinking Band, with more innovations yet to come! The next goal for our website is to make it completely mobile-friendly.

Flint Citadel Band dedicates its 20th year online to the memory of Bandmaster Richard T. Holman. Our website would not have flourished through the years without him.

Join our Band League
The Flint Citadel Band League Program was established in 1966 out of a desperate financial need for instrument replacement...  [Learn More]

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© 2019 The Salvation Army - Flint Citadel Band, all rights reserved.
211 W. Kearsley Street
Flint, MI 48502

Website designed & donated by Steven Himes Web & Graphic Design
Steven Himes Web & Graphic Design