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Band League
Flint Citadel Band LeagueThe Flint Citadel Band League Program was established in 1966 out of a desperate financial need for instrument replacement. William Murray, Band League Secretary, developed a planned giving program under Bandmaster Dennis Horton. Thirty-five charter members signed on to begin the process of replacing worn out instruments. Member financial support ranges from monthly donations to once per year gifts. This money is used to purchase new instruments, instrument repairs, music, and ongoing expenses of operating a volunteer band.

The current membership comes from all parts of the United States: Arizona, California, Chicago, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Texas, in addition to the Flint area and other parts of Michigan.

No member of the Flint Citadel Band, including the Bandmaster, receives any financial compensation for services rendered. Each member purchases his or her own uniform and pays most expenses related to their band service. These 36 volunteers give of themselves to weekly rehearsals, Sunday Services at The Salvation Army, 211 West Kearsley Street, downtown Flint, the Annual Thanksgiving Concert, the Annual Spring Concert (performed each May), caroling for The Salvation Army Christmas Effort, and numerous other events. Why? Because of their common love of music and desire to serve God through this ministry.

While the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Flint Citadel Band League was out of a financial need, we have found that a key benefit to the band is the prayer support of our membership. A continuing goal is to build a strong network of prayer partners around the country for the support of the Flint Citadel Band's unique musical ministry.

Being a member of the Flint Citadel Band League includes praying for the ministry of the band; giving financial support; and helping to promote special band projects such as our concerts.

Band League Members (As of March 29, 2025):

Bill Agre
Jim Allen
Majors Jon & Kris Augenstein
Majors Keith & Colette Bailey
Dorothy Balasko
Jayne Bell
Tom Berge
Dave Britcher
Eric & Dorothy Britcher
Rich Burke
Don & Merle Chrysler
Pam Clough
Gary & Rosa Lee Crowell
John David DeWitt
Kenneth & Betty Draper
Marjorie Fernee
Kathryn Giles
Wally Gilmour
Bob & Mary Goodwill
Bob & Sharon Gregg
Sandy Hale
Hank & Arlene Heidel
Phyllis Holman
Dr. Dennis L. Horton
Jim & Sue Howard
Majors Bill & Donna Hurula (R)
Layne Kittle

Bob Lee
Prezza Lee
Daryl Lowe
Sandy McDougall
Lt. Cols. Norman & Diane Marshall (R)
Linda Nawrocki
Marge Needham
JoAnne Nelson
Sam & Jan Nock
Major Tim Parker
Fred & Charlene Payne
Herb & Gerry Payne
Majors Dallas & Phyllis Raby (R)
Everett Randall
Majors Carl & Carol Reed (R)
Darlene Richards
Eileen Sparky Simons
Genevieve Smith
Melva Smith
Ted & Roberta Smith
Duane Spicer
Majors Henry & Ruth Tempel (R)
Richard Upton
Ilene Ward
LTC Freida J. Williams